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About Spark

Spark Centre is a creative space offering visual arts & art therapy programmes for people living with disabilities, impairment, or other social and personal need. Over 125 adults, teens and children attend subsidised weekly programmes including those with the experience of Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, visual impairment, intellectual disability and deafness.


The Centre also provides art therapy programmes and visual art sessions for adults with stroke-affect; art therapy for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder; and transition sessions for Very High Need students from Carlson School for Cerebral Palsy, and Arohanui Special School .


The work provides a vehicle for self-development and well being through creative expression; builds companionship and offers social community; and offers involvement in meaningful and purposeful activity. The development of individual arts practice is supported – Spark Centre provides regular opportunities for artists to showcase their work at a number of public spaces and community galleries throughout Auckland. Spark Centre is an independent organisation, administered by Panacea Arts Charitable Trust and funded by sponsorships, grants and programme fees.


Spark Centre was awarded the national ‘Big A’ Creative Space Award 2013Spark Centre is located at Rocky Nook Bowls in Fowlds Park, St Lukes, Auckland. For further info: Ph 09 845 5361

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